Why I Initially Decided Against Glass

When I first started Angelpaste 15 years ago I had a beautiful decorative glass bottle that looked just like an expensive (I thought) perfume bottle. That was the look I wanted. I also wanted to use glass because it was high end and also better for you. 

Then it hit me.


I dropped the dumb thing on my bathroom floor and then somehow got a tiny shard of glass LODGED IN THE BOTTOM OF MY FOOT. Have you ever stepped on a piece of glass and then instead of being able to pull it out you keep stepping on it for months and you think it has now GROWN IN to become a PART OF YOU? Well, I have.

Then, I pictured this happening to my mother. 

Lotion is slippery to boot. The very thought of my mother—or ANYONE— possibly dropping and shattering a slippery glass bottle of Angelpaste made me cringe. So I settled on the safe, American alternative: A BPA free PET plastic bottle made in California.

The great thing about this material was that it was made in the USA, and it wouldn’t give my mother a permanent limp. Also, I needed something that was easy to squeeze because the dispensing cap I was using required slight pressure to get the product out. Ease of use was very important to me because I imagined the people with delicate hands trying to use the product. And a bonus was that it wouldn’t be as hard to package because of its durability.

Then something truly revolutionary happened. The INFINITY bottle.

WOW.  This is different. Here is what I love about it: 


It is a beautiful dark glass. It looks like something your realtor would WANT sitting out on your counter during a showing. 


The glass is thicker than traditional glass making it far less likely to break when it’s dropped on a hard surface.


It filters out the harmful visible light rays that degrade the product but allows in the infrared and UV-A rays that are beneficial to the product.  (Amber glass is even inferior in this respect because it doesn’t allow in the UV-A rays.)


It has a pump that gives you a blueberry sized amount of Angelpaste directly in the spot you want it.  And because you don’t need a lot of Miracle Cream (a little goes a long way) I knew this was the perfect bottle and pump.


Infinity Jars are air tight to lock in the freshness and keep out the bacteria and dust.


It makes products last a lot longer without the use of harmful chemicals.


The Infinity Bottle is not slippery. When you hold the bottle in your hand somehow it is grippy. Maybe it’s the neroli, grapefruit, jasmine blend of Angelpaste I have in my bottle that makes it special but I haven’t dropped it once.

The Infinity Jar Company did a test on three jars: 

A. A clear glass jar 

B. An amber glass jar 

C. The Infinity Glass Jar

They put fresh chives in all three.  After two months the clear glass jar had dried out the chives, the amber glass had a slightly better result but they were still very degraded. The Infinity Jar outperformed them all and the chives were still fresh and green!  After 2 months?! Imagine what it could do for Angelpaste!

(You can read more about it on their website here.)

It is easy-to-use and a beautiful piece of decor to put on your counter and makes your Angelpaste Miracle Cream last LONGER.

I am beyond thrilled that we have partnered with this amazing company to bring you this awesome space age bottle. I know you’ll love it as much as I do!


Make Angelpaste Last Forever