Detox Your Skin

There are over 17 ways to protect your skin barrier while removing dead skin. I use a dry brush before I bathe to get rid of toxins, stimulate new collagen growth, rid myself of dead and dull skin and massaging the fascia. It’s kind of like a work out too! Detox baths are incredibly important for our skin and our health so after I dry brush I get in a hot bath with 1 cup of citric acid, baking soda (aluminum free), bentonite clay, Himalayan sea salt, epsom salt, and a clean soap like borax or castile soap. I soak for 20 minutes while scrubbing with my scrubby towel that reaches every part of my body. I also dunk my head and hair as much as I can. Then after I drain the bath I take a regular shower using a clean soap and sugar scrub to moisturize and polish my skin. Angelpaste Miracle Cream after and a nice relaxing snuggle in a cotton robe and my detox bath is complete! I try to do this at least every 3 weeks. If I buy in bulk I can get this for about 10 dollars per bath. I do this for my health as well because my body is being inundated with heavy metals, toxins and other things and I have to do everything I can to get them out. Supplements like N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) are amazing and I take it every day. I’m not a doctor and am only relaying my personal experience and I don’t recommend any of this to you without consulting with your own healer. God Bless you.


A Japanese Study for Crepey Skin


Dead Skin Looks Dull